Having An Awareness Of The Dangers Of Unsafe Behavior Is Good; Denial That It Could Happen To You Is Not.
How many times have you heard an employee say “it won’t happen to me”? You can stress the importance of choosing the safest way to do a task again and again, but without proof of the consequences, employees may be tempted to bypass proper safety procedures in an attempt to save time.
Learn from the mistakes of others
More often than not, examples of real-life accidents are the only effective way to get your safety message across and for your employees to get serious about the choices they make each day. Our Personal Consequences™ Posters use high-impact images to illustrate actual incidents and the consequences of making the wrong choice when it comes to workplace safety. From family to friends to co-workers, taking a chance on safety can have a detrimental effect on those around you as well as the company’s bottom line.
Persuade with the power of emotion
Each month, you’ll receive 2 sets of posters addressing 2 different workplace safety topics.The first poster in each set tells the story about a personal injury affecting a co-worker, friend or family member.The second poster provides the proper procedures that, if followed, could have prevented the accident from ever happening in the first place.
By displaying the posters throughout the month, employees will learn the personal ramifications of unsafe actions and take personal responsibility for the safety of themselves and their co-workers. Incorporating the posters in your workplace will help you create a safer work environment with lower incident rates in your organization.
Help get rid of the “It Won’t Happen To Me” mentality. Add Personal Consequences Posters to your safety program today!
Product info:
Product code: PCX
Size: 17” x 22”
Quantity: 52 total posters per year (weekly display)
Shipping frequency: Monthly
12 Month Subscription Plans:
1 Poster Per Month (less then $23.17 per poster or $278 for 12 months)
2 Posters Per Month (less then $14.09 per poster or $338 for 12 months)
3 Posters Per Month (less then $11.09 per poster or $399 for 12 months)
4 Posters Per Month (less then $10.40 per poster or $499 for 12 months)
NEW POSTERS shipped to you every month!
Order online or call 1-888-655-4800
Agents standing by to take your order!